Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Everyone Is

Lets be honest, we are all a freakin' mess! Although there are times when everything falls into place and life seems perfect, we ALL have skeletons in our closet, bad days and days where getting out of bed seems impossible. That is the beauty of this life, embrace your imperfections and know that you are NOT alone, trust me. Even that person on social media who always seems to have it together: the perfect family, house, no money problems, the best fashion and always seems to eat clean/exercise. NOPE, they don't always have it together, they are a mess too. We all are so accept it and love the good and bad times in your life. Life would be dull if we always had sunshine and rainbows, the bad times shake it up and they are lessons that we learn from. So treasure the good AND bad times in your life and know that everything happens for a reason. 

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