Tuesday, May 16, 2017

It's called......BALANCE!

Some days are good days and some days you eat a piece of pie, a cupcake, chips and a banana with more peanut butter than the actual banana😂 It's called balance people and sometimes I need those days!! With that being said, it is all about MODERATION! I could have had those foods yesterday but in moderation. Instead, I ate them as if they were going away forever and I paid for it the next morning when I woke up. Food really does make a huge difference in the way we feel, act and the energy we have to get through the day. After eating all this food, I seriously had a food hangover. It was a great reminder that a sweet treat is okay but it needs to be in moderation NOT crazy binging until you have a stomachache. Enjoy your foods, friends but don't let it get out of your control.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you mamas out there, working hard to be the best parent that you can be! Here's to you and how hard you work every single day to make sure your kids get the best experience in life. Here's to loads of laundry, dirty dishes, the house being a mess, being able to juggle a million things at once, taking care of healthy and sick kiddos, cooking, keeping everyones schedule straight and managing to do it all with LOVE. That's what being a mom is all about after all. Showing your child how much love you have for them through the good and bad times. We may not always know how we do it but we do it with LOVE. It may be the hardest job we will ever have but we wouldn't trade it in for anything else in the world. Happy Mother's Day! Wear that title proudly. It's an honor. It's a blessing. It's who we are. Be proud to be a mama!

REMEMBER: You cannot be at your best unless you take care of yourself!!! Putting yourself first is NOT selfish, it's SELFLESS! You are a better mother, wife, partner, caregiver, friend, family member and overall person if you get plenty of rest, exercise, eat right and take time for yourself. So take care of yourself so you can be the best you for those around you.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Inside and Out

"You're already skinny". I hear this all time! "You can probably eat whatever you want and be fine" or "You are crazy for waking up that early to workout" Well I may be😉 haha but being "skinny" doesn't mean HEALTHY. I wasn't ever looking to lose weight when I began my fitness journey....I was looking to find a healthier, happier ME and I found that through Beachbody. A program called The 21 Day Fix Extreme and Shakeology started it all for me, I learned what healthy really means. Now I am so in love with being the best version of myself and helping others do the same. We ALL have different body types to celebrate! Start to focus on embracing your body type and keeping your insides healthy. Your heart, health, happiness and the way you feel every day💙 THAT is matters and THAT is why I workout and eat as clean as I can.

I AM Team Beachbody

I am striving to be a better me....mind, body and soul. I am working on my fitness. I am working to eat foods that are beneficial to my body. I am drinking an amazing shake that has given me more energy, helps my digestion, has improved my immune system, makes me stronger, has improved my skin, hair and nails and that tastes freakin' delicious. I am far from perfect. I have a weakness for ALL sweets. I love Target, coffee, pancakes and peanut butter. I am a work in progress. I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter and woman of faith. I am driven. I am positive. I work with an amazing team every day. 
I love helping others find their happiness in health and fitness. I want YOU to be comfortable in your own skin. I want you to be the best version of yourself NOT based on societies standards but YOUR happiness. 

I AM Team Beachbody!